Sunday, September 19, 2010


I know it is too early to talk about X’mas, but I keep thinking about X’mas after I read Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”.I really enjoy reading Frost’s poems because it is not hard for me to understand and I just love the rhythms. I am in love with the scenery of the poem—imaging if I am riding on a horse in the woods on a snowy evening, it must be beautiful!!! My imagination is unfortunately totally different from the poem’s background. My poetry class’ teacher Mrs. Lewis (she makes the best cookie in the world) tells us that Frost wrote this poem based on his own experience and he was actually really depressed at that moment. He was planning to get some X’mas presents for his children but he couldn’t get any money. There must be one moment he just wanted to stay in the woods, but he had to face to the real life and go back home.

I still remember the first time when I got my X’mas present. It was a huge packet of chocolates and a box of cute bells. I was really excited at that time because I thought Santa Claus would not come to Asia. The present was actually from my mum, she put it next to my pillow after fell asleep. I can imagine children’s huge desire to receive X’mas present because I expected to have X’mas present even though I am from different culture background. X’mas is just the best time of a year, it makes you feel warm love and peace. This poem reminds me of an event of SEM (my school) called Angel—Tree. Students in my school can volunteer to buy X’mas presents for some children from poor families. I hope everyone who reads my post can something like that at X’mas this year. Let’s make more children have a great X’mas and help some parents who are not able to get present for their children.

Here is a warm song about X’mas, I personally like it so much. Wish everyone will have a great X’mas this year.

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