Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 3 of Poetry.. What did I learn?

Every week I learn something knew in poetry which is always very exciting. I enjoy reading about new poets are their poems. I enjoy analyzing the different writing styles of each poem, and I enjoy learning about the poets background. This week in class, we learned about two great poets, Mr. E.E Cummings and Ms. Dorothy Parker. I enjoyed reading "may i feel said he" by E.E Cummings, a very sexual and powerful poem. There is some many ways to read and interpret this story which makes it very unqieu and amazin.g I learned that each writer has their own style of writing, their own element which gives them so much success. One of my favorite poem was "Resume" which was written by Dorothy Parker. This poem is so dark, but at the same time it has a little bit of humor. I learned that Dorothy Parker was ahead of her time as a woman. She lived her life different, not being a housewife. This was very interesting because it showed the way she felt about womens rights in "The Lady's Reward". I am excited for this next week in poetry, so i can learn about great poets, and read their spectacular work which has made them famous.

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