Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I cannot believe poetry class is over, this is really sad because it is my favorite class in this school. I remember 2 years ago I just came to sem, I got a D- for English in my first term. I never feel confident in English class, and the highest grade I got was a B. But Mrs. Lewis helped me to find my confident of English in the past three months, I can not only write English essays, but also poems!!!

Poetry class is truly my greatest experience at sem, here are my reasons:
1) Instead of reading many story books and get tired of them, I enjoy reading poems so much. I always desire to understand the poem, so I look up every word I don’t know in the poem (which I never did when I read books).
2) As an international student, I really want to learn more about the American culture. Not many teachers will talk about the culture out of the books but I can say I learned more in this class than history class. “Black Art Movement”, “Harlem Renaissance”, “Beat Generation”, these are the items I never heard before.
3) I did a lot of writing without feeling panic, and I can feel my writing skill is improving.
4) We usually only focus on our own work, but we all appreciate others’ work and learn a lot from our classmates in this class. Everyone is unique and great!!!
5) Mrs. Lewis is a very creative teacher, her speaking skills will make me focus on her all the time, and she is very frank and funny. She never critics anyone’s poems and she is always excited to listen to our performance. I think the best feeling for a student is expecting to go to class everyday. “What will Mrs. Lewis do today???” we are always curious about the workshop days.
6) All of my classmates are very special. We always can write different things from same topics. I love sitting in this class because the atmosphere make me relax.
7) Learning should be something makes people happy!! Mrs. Lewis is a very happy teacher which makes us all become happy learners. I gave my best wishes to the class, I wish more and more students can get a chance to take this class and feel how great learning is.
PS, I love the cookie!!!

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